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PRISME, Exposition de professeurs de TAFA



PRISME — Exposition de la Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

Avec des travaux des enseignants de l'école d'art de Tianjin, Chine.

Vernissage, le 5 décembre 2024 dès 16h :

— 16h : Coopération TAFA - Esä

— 16h30 : Présentation de Facettes - Discours du comité de rédaction 

— 17h : pot et vernissage dans le hall de la Galerie Commune

Exhibition Preface

The term PRISM refers to an optical device that can be used as a metaphor to reflect

the intrinsic qualities and external expressions of a culture from multiple perspectives

and dimensions. When time is seen through the lens of a polygon prism, it not only

embodies communication and understanding between different cultures but also

showcases the diversity of these cultures, facilitating cross-cultural dialogue and

helping people better appreciate the values and characteristics of different traditions.

Before the 19th century, all cultures were primarily regional, and artistic styles were

bound by time and place. However, in the 19th century, time gave rise to global

imaginations, and observers began to depict the world as a "global village." After the

19th century, time became an object to be displayed and explored across many fields,

akin to a polygon prism reflecting both the divisions and reunifications of the world.

As the maritime era transformed imperial time into marine time, the narrative

structure of world history shifted, and a public space was created through the oceans,

fostering the exchange of diverse cultures and cross-border interactions. Through the

oceans, people developed a global perspective.

TAFA and Esä are located in Tianjin, China, and northern France respectively, both

regions with rich maritime histories. This year marks the 60th anniversary of

diplomatic relations between China and France, as well as the 20th anniversary of the partnership between the two institutions. Over the past two decades, the two

universities have hosted exchange programmes, involving hundreds of students from

both countries in reciprocal study. In the realm of art education, the two schools have

engaged in joint teaching projects and collaborated in many areas, including teaching,

creation, assessment, and research. This exhibition highlights the results of this long-

standing, in-depth collaboration and uses the metaphor of the polygon prism to reflect

the cities of Tianjin and Tourcoing, and how the art academies there have witnessed

the integration, mutual learning, and exchange between Chinese and French art and

art education.

The exhibition embarks on an artistic journey beginning with TAFA, revealing the

interplay of diversity and commonality through the ocean waves, and eventually

arriving at Esä, which is synchronised with global time. The participating artists

interpret the passage of time as they experience it in the natural world and present a

variety of historical and cultural narratives from different eras within a shared

timeline, displayed within foreign historic buildings.

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